Wednesday, April 30, 2008

How does that happen?????

Arrived at work this morning at my typical time. Sat down and began checking my various e-mail accounts. I have 3, 1 personal and 2 for work. It was just about time for the 1st bell to ring to start the day and the assistant principal came over the pa asking for all staff members to come to the media center. That's fancy talk for the library. As the collective masses made their way opposite the bevy of students coming in we all couldn't help but wonder what had happened now or who did it. To our surprise we were to learn that a young man from the school lost his life last night in an apparent overdose of drugs. Throughout the day bits of information was gathered through the grapevine. Students were very solemn. For a big high school things were very subdued. The question on my mind was whether it was accidental or suicide. I would soon learn that it was a mystery to everyone involved. An autopsy had been ordered. It would seem that the overdose did not take place at home or even at a friend's house. It happened at the juvenile detention center. How does a kid in juevie die of a drug overdose? It just blows my mind that something like that could get past the officers and staff of the facility. I have a hard time understanding this. It makes me wonder what is wrong with the system? How often does something like this actually happen in these facilities? Is this really the best place for kids that are out of control? Was this a kid who went along with the crowd because he didn't know any better? Or did he feel there was no other option and that he was a disappointment to his family? If these kids are under as much surveillance as we are lead to believe, how did he get the drugs? Most likely we may never know.