Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Who I am

Well, I can't believe I am doing this. My best friend recently started a blog to document her day to day life while her husband is over seas for his second tour of duty. I have never done anything like this before. I have never even been in a chat room. The closest I got to anything like this was when I took some online classes last fall and we had to post responses to each other. So who am I? I am a single female living in a small town community outside of Columbus, Ohio. No one in my family could believe that I would be the one to end up moving the farthest from home. Home is a small town in Northwest Ohio. I have an older brother and a younger sister. My sister and I are 15 months apart in age. She is my co-conspirator in ife. We are as close as any siblings can be. We fought like cats and dogs when we were growing up. I really think my parents were afraid we would kill each other eventually. We had to share a bedroom and we actually took tape and divided our room in half. My sister thought she was good because she had the closet on her side. I won on this one, I had the door. But we have grown up, for the most part and even though there are over one hundred miles between us, we are there for each other. She currently resides with my best friend who I mentioned earlier. She is in the process of separating from her current husband. Yes, my sister is twice burned by cupid. I have never seen her more excited though. She is getting her first place on her own. She has always lived with another adult. She has never lived on her own. She and my 4 year old nephew will be moving into their new place next week.
I just realized I was talking more about my sister than me. Can you tell that I am more comfortable talking about other people than myself. I am hoping this will help me with focusing on me. I am the type that deals with everyone elses problems before mine. My doctor is trying to help me with this problem. I need to take time for me. Maybe it has something to do with the job I do. I am what is known in Ohio as an Intervention Specialist. Snazzy title huh? Basically what it boils down to is I am a Special Education Teacher. I teach at the local high school in town. I have a cross categorical/multiple disabilities unit. I have 7 students on my class roster. My youngest student is 17 and my oldest is 20. I teach a functional curriculum and work on skills needed to function independently in the community. 2 days out of my week are spent out in the community job coaching and practicing the functional skills we are learning in the classroom such as purchasing and paying for items, shopping for things that are on a list, etc.... I LOVE my job. Not too many people can say that. Sure there are days where I get frustrated with things, but its the kids that keep me coming back each day. When they accomplish a goal it is awesome. We have so much fun also. Some of my students have never had the opportunity to shop for their own clothes. They had no idea what size they needed. Every week they ask me now if we are going shopping. Wal Mart is there favorite place to go.
My students are just about finished with their Earth Day activity so I will close for now. More later.


Lisa G said...

Hi Kimee. Cool first post :)

Kris said...

Yay! Kim has a blog! I just realized I never sent you mine. :-) We need to make plans soon.