Saturday, May 3, 2008

stupid people

Stupid people annoy me. Ok, maybe that's a little harsh. How about people that don't think before they speak annoy me? So, here's the story.
I'm sitting in my best friend's kitchen last night with my sister. The kids wanted spaghetti for dinner but that wasn't sounding good to us. Laura offered up the suggestion of KFC. For those of you that don't know, that would be Kentucky Fried Chicken. My reply was that Becky didn't care for the KFC in town. Her response was, "As long as I don't have to deal with the staff, I don't care." So I volunteered to head out and pick up what we wanted. Laura said she would go with me. This was going to be interesting. We had ben working on her new apartment most of the day and she had had 2 glasses of wine. Mistake #1 was going through the drive thru. There were several cars lined up.
We had decided on the legs and thighs bucket but I didn't see it on the menu. As I made my way to the speaker, I asked if they had the legs and thighs bucket. The chicks response was yes and I said that I would like one along with a large green beans, large mac & cheese, an order of hush puppies (Long John Silver's is connected) and 4 biscuits. The girl gave me the total and my sister said, "That doesn't sound right". So we pull around and sit for about 10 minutes. As we wait my sister begins complaining. I believe the words "What did they have to do, pluck the feathers off the chickens?" Finally we pull up to the window. The chick gives me the total which still doesn't sound right and I pay. She hands me the change and receipt and I look at it. No wonder it was low. She didn't charge me for the chicken. At this point she had closed the window and my sister is sitting in the passenger seat screaming at the top of her lungs "Hey open the window. Hey. Hey there." She was just about to reach over and blow the horn when the chick reopened the window and looked at me. I informed her nicely that I had ordered a legs and thigh bucket but she hadn't charged me for it. The chick had the audacity to look at me and say, "You wanted chicken?" To which my sister replied, "This is Kentucky Fried Chicken isn't it?"
Becky was right. Stupid people work at KFC in this town. Next time I want chicken, I'll make it myself.


Kris said...

Your fried chicken is 100x better than KFC anyway. :-) Hope the move went well.

Kris said...

You have been tagged by Kris.
1) Write your own six word memoir
2) Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you want
3) Link to the person that tagged you in your post, and to the original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere
4) Tag at least five more blogs with links
5) Leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play

Becky said...

When I'm right, I'm right!

Lisa G said...

HA lol Becky told me you had written this and I had to come read it. Lee's chicken is better anyways :)