Thursday, May 15, 2008

tooting my own horn

Tonight I attended our end of the year celebration banquet that the educational service center holds every year. This is a time for all of the employees to get together and celebrate the achievements of our staff and students. I found out tonight that one of my guys was accepted into our Community Transition Based program for post secondary options. He will be attending classes on one of the local college campuses in the fall. When the list of accepted students first came out , he was wait listed. We were told that as the applicants that were accepted make their decisions, he would move into one of the first available slots. I am so happy for him yet sad. I have worked with this particular individual during his entire 4 years of high school. I have watched him bloom into the young man he is today. I trully believe this is the best thing for him. He will be joined by one of my other students in the fall. A third student of mine has been accepted into an employability prep program through the local career center. Her dream is to one day be a chef in her own restaurant. A fourth student of mine will be accepting his high school diploma on June 6th. He has had a tough road to haul but I think things are finally looking up for him. My supervisor and I were talking and she said I should be very proud, which I am. I have a 92% acceptance rate for my classroom into post secondary options for students with disabilities. I told her I couldn't do it without my super group of team members that work day in and day out with these guys. I think this is partly why I went into special education. When a student with a disability reaches an achievement like this it has so much more meaning. So, on June 1st I will don my black robe and sit amongst the faculty and watch 3 of my students walk across the stage to participate in graduation. It is only a social graduation. They will receive their actual diplomas after they finish the programs they have been accepted into. But non the less I will be cheering for each one as their name is called and will most likely need a tissue to dry my eyes.

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