Thursday, June 19, 2008


Well, it seems like forever since I have written. I have been babysitting for my nephew to help cut down on daycare costs for my sister. Still fighting with the insurance company. They are bound determined not to pay for a machine. I finally spoke to a live human being at Poaris Benefits yesterday. Her response to me was that I didn't qualify as a severe case. I asked her what signified a severe case. She said that I had to meet a list of like 25 requirements and I didn't. She said that if you look at my sleep results I only haad about 3 episodes where I stopped breathing. I jumped back with the fat that my O2 drops real low but she said that it wasn't low enough. According to my doctor it is low enough to effect my memory. She wasn't sympathetic to this. She then proceded to question why my doctor wanted to put me under. "You're only having carpel tunnel surgery." I said that no he was also going to be working on my elbow at the same time. He told me to tell my family to anticipate at least 2 hours of surgery. She then starts giving me some song and dance about how she is having the same thing done but under a local. Well, she might want to be awake and watching, but I don't. Little does she know that I have borrowed a machine and started using it last night. I can report that I slept a little better. I still woke up a few times. I am not feeling sleepy as the day goes on. I feel rundown but I think that is stress and the fact that my 5 year old nephew can wear a person out. For those of you that know Hunter can understand. I am now waiting to hear back from Dr. Mallick's office. I am having quite a bit of pain in my right wrist, elbow, and thumb. I am so ready to get this over with. I am thinking about starting a petition through work to see if there is enough interest in asking for a review of the company we use. Just call me the pot stirrer or the whistle blower which ever is appropriate.

1 comment:

Becky said...

I'm glad you were able to sleep a little better last night. Give it a week and you'll feel like a new woman!
Insurance companies piss me off, lol. Mine keeps telling me I have other insurance so they won't pay on my claims. I think it's fixed now but we will see.