Monday, July 21, 2008

As sleep evades me

It is almost midnight and I find myself having trouble going to sleep. I was just about there when my cell phone rang and it was a number I didn't recognize. I tried to go back to the sleep but then the creepy crawlies started in. I have been dealing with them throughout the day today. That is what I call it when all of my muscles begin to ache and I feel like I am going to walk right out of my own skin. So here I am up on the computer hoping this will helping wind down again. So I have a news ticker that runs across the top of my computer screen. Every now and then an interesting headline will catch my eye. One in particular did tonight. "Men sentenced for setting friend's crotch ablaze." Hmm. Sounds interesting. So I clicked on it and read the article. It would seem that two young men were sentenced to some jail and community service for setting their friend's crotch on fire as a practical joke. I guess the friend had passed out from too much drinking and like any good friends would do, they decided to pull a prank on him to teach him about the do's and don'ts of falling asleep drunk. Now I will admitt that I have played some jokes on friends but nothing like this. They doused his privates in cologne and set it on fire. I mean come on now. The man's testicles suffered 2nd degree burns. That goes beyond funny. My sister complains because my BFF and I played a few harmless pranks on her the night before my birthday when she fell asleep on the floor. All I did was draw a smiley face on the bottom of one foot and R.I.P on the other. Well that and put an icecube down her pants. Took her 15 seconds to wake up from that one. I absolutely draw the line at bodily harm. Those guys should have to serve time. After all it is assault. So my sister can thank me for at least pulling harmless pranks. Who lnows next time I might get the shaving cream out. Better be careful Laura. I love ya!!!! :)

1 comment:

Green Moss & Sunny said...

Sleep often evades my life as well. It's better in summer because I'm out of school, so less people to upset me.

crotch flames. a new idea for a joke on my husband. thanks for the info!
