Wednesday, July 23, 2008

plans always have a way of changing.

I admit. I was very upset last night. We were going to have to cancel our trip to Michigan. My brother and his notorious wife waited till the last minute as usual to confirm the date of my niece's birthday party. As usual it is a combination party with her sister's son. I wanted to say screw it. We had already ordered a gift card for her and it was to be delivered via mail. But Laura and Becky won out and and brought back from the dark side. You see, it's not that I don't want to see my brother and nieces. It's my sister-in-law. I think she just tolerates us for Jeff's sake. She doesn't go out of her way to call my sister or I. In the 5 years I have lived here they have come down 2 times. Mary can be a very moody person when she wants to be. Which is most of the time. Everything has to be her way. Her side of the family comes first. My brother complains that my parents never stop over. Well maybe because they don't want you to be embaressed that your house is a mess. Anywho, I digress. I could write an entire blog on my relationship with her. So, I cancelled our reservation in Michigan. I then got to thinking. What if we still went ahead with our plan but go somewhere closer and come back right before the party Saturday night. Question was, where to go? I remembered a place we went as children and I think the boys are going to love it. We are booked into a Holiday Inn Express (same chain) But this time we have a queen suite for about the same price a night we would have originally been paying. It has 2 queen size beds and a separate parlor room where there is a kitcenette and sofa sleeper and another tv. No fighting over what to watch and no roll away bed. The two boys can share the sofa and Laura and I can have our own beds. Although I have a feeling bubby will end up with one of us. He had bad dreams again last night. He goes to his dad's tonight and lord only knows where he'll be staying. That is another blog entirely. So we are heading for Grand Rapids, Michigan tomorrow. Hometown of our 38th president. The man that was president the year I was born. Gerald Ford. We are going to go to a Children's Museum and friday night we are going to drive over to Grand Haven to see an attraction that has been there for as long as I can remember, The Musical Fountain. I can remeber going with my parents and waiting for dark to arrive. The music would start and then the founntain would dance to the music. That was one of the few times that we were allowed to sit on the hood of the car. I think the boys are going to love it. I can't wait. Laura says everything happens for a reason. Maybe it does.

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