Tuesday, July 8, 2008

where do I go from here?

I have returned back to my quiet apartment. Well, as quiet as it can be with dogs barking and thumping around above you. I once again called my surgeon's office today. Left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. The receptionist said that she would pass my message along to the scheduler and that person would get back to me. Time is ticking by. We are in to July and before you know it i will be back to work getting ready to start another school year. If I haven't had surgery by then, I am going to be forced to take sick time and that was the whole point of waiting until school was out. Everyone has noticed that I am not acting right. I don't know what to do. It is very hard to put a smile on your face when you are in constant pain. Everything is just frustrating and I feel like i am in a never ending vicous cycle. My sister seems to think that I need to increase my medication. This said during a recent argument. A friend suggested that I at least talk to my doctor about the meds that I am on. All I know is that I can't fall asleep and when I do finally fall asleep, I sleep for about 2 hr intervals. Since I started using the machine at night, I am once again dreaming but they are very vivid and strange dreams. None make sense what so ever. Thus my dilema. Which doctor do I go to. My PCF or the nuero at the sleep clinic.?
On a separate note, I wish to express my condolences to my friends Lisa and Patrick. Patrick's grandfather passed away yesterday after a brief battle with cancer. I worked with Patrick's aunt during my first few years of teaching. She was my first teaching assistant. Fred, Patrick's grandfather, drove bus for the district. He was one of the few bus drivers that could handle my autistic student. Fred was the rock of the family and will be greatly missed.

1 comment:

Lisa G said...

Thanks for the kind words. We will miss him greatly too. I'm sorry that things are soo screwy for you. Life unfortunately likes to throw you for a loop sometimes (a lot actually). I hope the whole mess gets sorted out.