Monday, December 15, 2008


I have always said that my family puts the "FUN" in disfunctional. Case in point. My dad has 2 younger sisters, both total opposites in every way. Cindy is a teaching assistant and lives with her husband in Maryland. Both are very successful, upstanding citizens. Kris lives in Florida and "sponges" off of the government. She has been on disability for several years now from a back injury sustained while working. She has been battling with worker's comp for a settlement and finally received it. My uncle decided he had enough of her outragious behavior and left. Things between Kris and my dad have not been good over the years. Aunt Cindy and her husband were in Florida visiting my parents this past week. She set up a visit with my Aunt Kris and convinced my mom and dad to go. A good time was had. The evening ended and they headed back to where they were staying. The next day my aunt gets a phone call from my 24 year old cousin Jordan (Kris' oldest). He needed bail money because my aunt had landed herself in the pokey. It would seem that after everyone had left she decided to go to the bar with her boyfriend. Jordan and his girlfriend ended up bringing her home after she got wasted out of her mind. She was very adament about leaving so Jordan took her car keys and hid them from her. He sent her to her room and ordered her to bed. Around 3:00 am they discovered she wasn't in the house. He and his girlfriend went looking for her and found her wandering down the road. There was a struggle to get her in the car but they finally did. Somehow she managed to get the car door opened and jumped out of the moving vehicle. A police officer happened to be in the vacinity and saw what was going on. He approached my aunt and she became very belligerent with him. The next thing the poor cop knew he was being sucker punched by my aunt. So she is being held for drunk and disorderly and assaulting a police officer. Bail is over $5,000 for the assault alone. Everyone agreed that they were not going to put the money up. She was just going to have to figure out things on her own. They are tired of bailing her out. As my uncle told Jordan, she'll have a roof over her head, 3 warm meals, and her meds administered. What more could she want? Some might say how can you allow a family member to sit in jail. Well, when you have dealt with someones ridiculous actions for so long, there comes a time when you have to say enough is enough and my family has finally reached that point.

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