Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy New Year!!!!

Here it is. New Year's Eve. Just when I was finally getting used to writing 2008 it is time for 2009 to begin. What will this new year hold for me? To be quite honest, I have no idea. It is currently 2:18 in the morning as I sit here and ponder that thought. I should be in bed but am finding that sleep is once again eluding me. I got home to my apartment around 11:30 pm after spending the majority of the day sitting in airports waiting for flights or in the air. I left sunny Orlando at 3:30pm and arrived in Charlotte, NC a little after 5:00. I then waited for my connecting flight to Columbus, OH which was not scheduled to leave until 8:55. I am exhausted but can't fall asleep. This I don't understand. The entire time I was visiting my parents in florida I slept on a pull-out sofa and had the best nights of sleep in a very long time. I get home and it all starts in again. I lay down and close my eyes but nothing happens. I am not swiftly taken to la-la land. So here I sit writing these thoughts down that are floating around in my head. At some point later today I am driving up to see my sister and nephew. Things are looking up for her. She was granted a temporary Civil Protection Order for my nephew against her ex husband. Everything is in the hands of the prosecutors office as to whether charges are going to be filed against him or not. His over night visitations have been terminated. His girlfriend is responsible for pick up and drop off on designated visitation days. If anything happens to Hunter while in her care, she could face criminal charges also. Brian did surrender himself and admit his guilt. But my guess is he will come out of this smelling like roses as usual. Hunter said he apologized to him. But that is Brian's "MO". He did the same thing to Laura during their marriage.
Aside from the fact that I have been batling a sinus infection and ear infection since before my trip, I had a nice time with my parents. We went to Disney's Hollywood Studios and saw their Christmas lights display. It was beautiful. It was chilly that night so it made it even better. We went to the beach one day. I like going to Merritt Island which is the wildlife refuge at Cape Canaveral. After we left the beach we drove through a self guided tour. We got the brochure and I read as we came upon each thing. We saw 3 alligators and a bald eagle. It was trully breathtaking. We did a lot of resort hopping as my parents like to call it. we would go to the various disney hotels and find an area to sit at and play cards for awhile. All my parents have to do is show their cast IDs and they have access to pretty much anywhere on the Disney property. Unfortunately I was not able to take much advantage of their free admission because they were blacked out from the parks. It is just as well. I have been in the parks during the holidays and it is packed. I can't stand being in large crowds anymore. I enjoyed visiting the various resorts and checking out how they decorated. It was also nice just to spend time with my mom and dad. I won't see them now until they come home in April. They are all excited. They picked up their "costumes" today and start back to work on Sunday. They sell merchandise at Hollywood Studios during their night time show called fantasmic. Did some shopping of course. Found a few things I wanted to get my sister and my mom is going to get them for me when she gets her 50% discount again. That is one of the main reasons she works for Disney. She wants the perks. My dad just loves the atmosphere and being there. It had been a dream of his to retire and go to work there. I am going to wrap up this blog and head back to bed and try to get some rest. I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and may your year be blessed with good health, happiness, and prosperity.

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