Thursday, January 29, 2009

Going stir crazy

Let's see. It is now Thursday the 28th and I have only been to work one day this week. Monday night we received about 3 inches of snow and the district decided to close. My guess is they decided to do this because of a storm that was approaching. We then got ice ontop of the snow and then more snow. I braved the elements and cleaned my vehicle off around 12:15 today. I decided to tackle the ice head on. I used a hammer. Within half an hour I was able to get into the car and venture out to survey the roads. Needless to say if the back roads around here are anything like the main road, school will not be in session tomorrow either. The majority of the roads are still snow covered, slushy in places, and sheets of thick rutted ice in others. My apartment complex is awful. They plowed but it is still very icy.
Since Danielle has started in my class, we have been in school 6 days. It's frustrating because I understand the need for safety for the staff and students. But I am not going to make any progress with her if we keep missing school. I feel like we are starting to gain her trust. She is testing us no doubt about it. We caught her trying to hide a broken crayon on her person. Lord only knows what she would have down with it.
I am trying to keep myself busy. Luckily I had gone to the library and gotten some books. I have read 1 so far and am about a 1/3 through the second. I have taken more time to cook after discovering some good recipes on weight watchers website.
At least I work at Lakeview this weekend. They wanted me to come in today but I hadn't attempted to get my car out and after being out on the roads I am glad I turned it down. Lord only knows what the roads are going to be tonight. The temp isn't even above 25 and I think it's supposed to get colder. But I won't mind going in Sat. or Sunday. I love working the weekends. It's nice and quiet generally.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kimmee, You need a dart board! You can put up pics of peeps you need to "tag". It also can be a great stress reliever.

Kris said...

Are you working Sunday evening? If not, would you like to come watch the Super Bowl again? I'll point out any of the food I make, I've been focusing on healthier stuff myself.

Becky said...

I was wondering how much school you had this week. Channel 11 is now mumbling about a possible dump of snow again early next week.
I had to take the kids to daycare so I could go to WW today. They had a 2 hour delay.