Sunday, April 27, 2008


Have I mentioned that I am single and don't have children? I believe there is a reason why I don't have children. One I work with them all day. The second is I babysit for my family and friends.
My best friend has four children. I have watched them since birth. The youngest is my god-daughter. I love these kids as if they were my real nieces and nephew. Andy is 10, Elizabeth is 9, Madeline is 7, and Sarah is 5. Becky had to work 10-8 yesterday so my sister and I said we would watch them for the day. Thankfully it was my nephew's weekend with his dad. So, I get up yesterday and get the kids started on the weekly chores. They are to clean their rooms. Not a one wanted to do this. They know this is their saturday job and they were testing the waters. I told them to get started and at least pick up 20 things each. The girls finished and then it was time to play beautyshop. Each of the girls had nail polish out and one was doing my hands and the other two my feet. I now have every color under the sun on my nails. They did my make-up and my hair. I was soooo beautiful.
Laura and I made plans for the afternoon and informed the kids we wanted the rooms finished so we could sweep. We got complaints and stall tactics but we got them upstairs. We fixed lunch and told them we wanted to leave by 1:00. Each kid that cleaned the room would get to pick something out at the store. We had 3 successes and 1 failure. The youngest decided to play more than clean. The older kids were very excited. So we load them all up in the van and head for the mall.
Let me tell you what, four kids in the mall, what were we thinking? Oh My God!!! Laura had one by the hand and I had another. The two oldest walked in between us. The 9 year kept walking on the back of Laura's feet. The 5 year old was running, jumping, and skipping while twisting my arm. I kept asking her to walk right but she kept at it. Eventually I had had enough and shouted to Laura "I need to switch!!!!!!" Then she would not sit down and eat when it was time for dinner. ARRRGGGG!!!!! Then on the van ride home Laura looks in the rear view mirror to discover that she is eating construction paper. What was going on with this kid? I turn around to see the oldest and second youngest laughing and gyrating around in their seats. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Why dancing of course." Of course. Laura and I looked at them and said to each other, "well, they are Mark and Becky's kids.
Don't get me wrong. We had a fun day. But by the time we got home we were exhausted. There was a highlight to the day. I came up with the idea to have the kids make Becky a Mother's Day present. We decided to make her an apron. The kids piked a red one since that is Becky's favorite color. Each child picked out an iron patch to represent them. Andy is a turtle (his favorite animal). Elizabeth picked a flower. Madeline chose a pink poodle. Sarah chose a rainbow colored fish. We got puffy paint to draw with; a red, white, and blue heart, and letters to spell out #1 mom. I got everything ironed on and had each kid come out and write them name with the paint they chose. Then we put their birthdates on and drew some pictures. Becky actually got off from work early and ruined the surprise. She loved it though and the kids were sooo excited to show her what they had done.


Becky said...

Thanks again for watching the kids. I bet you are glad I won't be working any more 10-8's, rofl.

Anonymous said...

What do you mean you can tell they are my kids?? Dont worry I am sure you will want to have kids of your own someday then you can make my kids watch them. Paybacks how can you go wrong.