Sunday, May 4, 2008


People come and go in our lives. Everytime we start a new adventure, we have the opportunity to meet new friends. Some will stand the test of time, while others will float in and out. It is the ones that stand the test of time that you know are your true friends. How many people can say that they are still in constant, close contact with their friends from high school? Not many I bet. And of those that can say they are still friends with their best friend from high school how many can say that they share said BF with another BF. I would surmise that the number is even smaller. I feel truly blessed to have just that situation. My sister and I may have fought like cats and dogs growing up. What siblings haven't? But as we have grown in age, so have we grown in friendship. My sister is my confidant. There isn't anything she doesn't know about me and vice versa. We also share everything with each other. When either of us is going through a rough patch and we feel like things are spinning out of control, we know that the other is just a phone call away. There might be 120 miles between us, but one would drop everything to get to the other. That is just what family does. They rally around each other. I met Becky the first day of freshman orientation. I was the new kid in the school. I felt like the odd man out because I didn't know anybody. The guidance Counselor walked up to talk to me as Becky was coming out of the gym. Mrs. Oxley introduced us and the rest is history. I was the maid of honor in her wedding and am the god-mother to her youngest child. When Laura, my sister, came to high school, she joined our group. Now we are a close knit trio and I am so blessed to have them in my life. Recently, my sister entered into a rough patch in her life. Being 120 miles away, there wasn't anything I could do to help with the immediate situation. That is when Becky stepped in. Laura needed a place for her and her son to stay and Becky opened her door wide open.She allowed Laura and Hunter to live with her and her children until she got back on her feet. That is the type of person Becky is. This has been a wonderful situation for them both. Laura is dealing with the end to a marriage that took everything out of her, literally. Becky and her 4 children are dealing with the deployment of her husband/father Mark on his second tour of duty to Iraq. The two have supported each other through a difficult transition period. My sister moved into her own place this weekend. Becky's kids are a little sad that they're not going to be there everyday. But Laura and Becky have been making plans to get together a few times a week to do things together. We are all planning a vacation this summer, but with rising gas prices we are not going to be able to go where we really want to. But no problem. We are still going to have a good time wherever we end up in the state. Once the kids go down for the evening, we sit around talking or watching tv. Thanks to DVR, we are able to catch up on our favorite soap. Lately we sit around Becky's laptop waiting for Mark to IM and let us know how things are going for him in Iraq. I give Becky a lot of credit. I don't know how brave I could be and carry on with day to day life with four young children while my husband was thousand of miles away. I also admire my sister. She was tired of dealing with the emotional abuse from her husband. Along with that, she was tired of being the only provider in the family, the only one to take care of the house work, the only one to do anything. And then, heaven forbid if something not be how he wanted it, he would yell at her. She finally had the courage to get out. I am proud of her for that.I imagine what the three of us will be doing years from now. We will be sitting in a living room somewhere in Ohio. We'll each be sipping a glass of our favorite wine. And we will be hashing over the latest days events on The Young and the Restless.


Becky said...

Love you too!

Lisa G said...

that's sweet. I'm very glad you three have stayed friends. :)