Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I don't understand

All right I will admit it. I caught myself watching a show on E called Keeping up with the Kardashians. For those of you who do not know, the Kardashians are a family in LA. The mom, Kris is married to Bruce Jenner. There are times that I think certain reality shows are scripted and this is one. I mean they are so crazy at times. Anyway, Kim, the middle daughter, is dating Reggie Bush who plays for the New Orleans Saints football team. Reggie has been very involved in raising money for those effected by hurricane Katrina. As they were filming this particular episode, Kim and her siblings met a local family and befriended them. This family was living in a FEMA trailer next door to their condemed house. They have been in this trailer for 2 years. How can this be? It has been 3 years since the hurricane. How can it be that this family's house has not been rebuilt? I realize that there was wide spread destruction, and the response time to assist those in need afterwards was bad. But how can it be taking this long? I hear of so many helping out in the recovery efforts. I am just baffled. I am sure however though that after appearing on this show the family has since been helped. The Kardashians bought them all new furniture to be stored until their house was ready. Extreme Home Makeover can go into a place, tear down the house, rebuild and decorate the house all in a week but our country can't rebuild as quickly. I just keep shaking my head. Maybe there is something I am missing but I can't help but feel that our country is self-destructing.

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