Friday, May 23, 2008

My own "DUH" moment

Ok. So I have a tendancy to pick on my sister and her "duh" moments. How could you resist? She tends to be suck an easy target. Well today folks I will admit the ultimate "Duh" moment for me. Yes, even those of us with generally above average IQ's have them. We arrived back to school to discover that the Seniors had painted the windows of every vehicle with says like "Seniors 08" or "'I'll Miss the Seniors". Well my vehicle had "Seniors 08" across my back windshield. I'm in my car driving home and I look in the rearview mirror to discover that I can read it perfectly. So I grab my cell phone and call Glenna and say "Gee, those kids were smart. I am looking at the writing on my back window and I can read it perfectly. They wrote it backwards on the outside." Glenna says to me how can that be because I could read it. My smart brain says well we saw it and automatically our brain made us read it the right way. She's like no that can't be. And I'm like but I'm looking at it in the mirror. She says right and I read it perfectly when I drove by your car. At this point I am at a stop light and I take a quick look back to discover that yes it was right on the outside. I was seeing the revrse of how it looked on the inside. That's why it was correct in the mirror. Glenna just laughed her ass off. See Laura, even I have "Duh" moments.

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