Thursday, May 22, 2008

And FIERCE it was

Those kids of mine had their "A Game" on today. We had a few minor glitches but all in all the fashion show was a hit. The kids felt so proud to walk the runway we made and listen to the residents cheering for them. What also made it even more special was a few of the parents showed up. The residents were clapping and yelling out their names. They were very impressed with how well they did. Some of the staff even helped direct my visually impaired students in the right direction their first time out. The best was Vince. After he made his first trip down the runway he stood at the end to watch instead of heading to the room to get changed into his next outfit. Of course there is always one "ham" in the bunch. That would be Kyle. He was our poser. He was loving every minute of it. Each pass of the runway he would just stop and strike a pose. The residents didn't even mind that we had to take a brief break to help them get changed. As a reward for a job well down we surprised them and took them out to lunch at Wendy's. What a big day they had. The one parent couldn't get over what her daughter had picked out and how wonderful she looked and did. This is what we wanted to accomplish. We wanted the parents to see what their kids could do. A few of them still pick out and shop for their kids clothes. But, today we proved that each one is fully capable of doing it on their own. Patricia, my other assistant, (whom I hope becomes full time in the fall) is all ready coming up with ideas for next year. I don't know what I worried for. Everything was fine.