Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What have I gotten myself into?????

I love my job. Who wouldn't? I get my summers off, definite perk. Plus I get to take my students places and do things with them. Take today for instance. We went to an area mall and played indoor putt-putt at a glow in the dark course. We then ate in the food court. We go grocery shopping, bowling, and many other activities. Every trip is to work on skills they need to function independently in the world. Many of these things are things we take for granted. Who would have known that my most athletic student had never played putt-putt before? Would you also believe that most of them did not know how to pick out clothes that were their appropriate size? My assistant and I decided to take them clothes shopping. Where can you go shopping on a budget? Why the thrift store of course. They loved it. They each had a certain amount of money to spend and they went through the racks and picked out items they liked. It was interesting to see some of the things that they chose. My one student honed in on anything that had to do with his favorite NFL team. It didn't matter what size it was. He walked up to me to show me a sweatshirt he had found. This particular student is about 5 feet tall and still wears pants from the boys department. He is also 18 years old. The sweatshirt was a 3x. He wasn't too happy when I said he wasn't going to be able to purchase it because it was way too big for him. Once the purchases were made and taken back to school we were trying to decide what else we wanted to do. We got the bright idea that we would hold a fashion show to highlight our purchases. We also decided that instead of doing it at school, we would put it on for the residents at the assisted living facility where we volunteer. We also took the clothes to the laundro-mat and taught the kids how to do laundry. Well, the big day has arrived. Tomorrow we will be putting on our fashion show and I am a tad nervous. Glenna (my assistant) and I have showed them how to walk. We have picked out the outfits they are going to wear. We've mapped out the catwalk and we have our cue cards ready. What's left to do is up to the kids. No matter what happens I know that they are going to have a blast. This is an experience that many will never get to have. Who knows, maybe I have a future America's Next Top Model in the making. I can dream can't I? In the words of my sister and best friend, it's going to be FIERCE!

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