Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I can't believe this

I first saw the article on the internet. A chaperone taped a door shut at a hotel to keep students in the room. To my surprise I discovered that it occurred with a high school here in Ohio. As I read the article I was very surprised to see names that I actually recognized. The students were part of the high school choir. As I was flipping the channel just now it was being discussed on headline news. If this is the same student, I am not surprised that a chaperone resorted to something like this. I had the student when he was in the fifth grade. When I had him he was such a little shit. Granted that was 7 years ago but I have a feeling he hasn't matured much over the years. According to his mom, he felt he was in danger if there had been a fire. wake up Mom. It wasn't done to keep them in the room. It was to see who was going to try to sneak out after curfew. This is an old trick that has been done for years. I know of two girls that got caught on a band trip when I was in high school by the sam method. Think about duct tape. It is not going to keep a door shut when you try to open it. My advice to the mothers', your children are not as innocent as you want to believe. Especially the one I know.

On another note, I have two congratulation announcements to make. One is to my BFF Becky. She finished her last day of work today. Enjoy your summer with your children darling. The second is to my nephew. He slept in his new bedroom for the first time last night. Way to go buddy!! All it took was for my sister to tell him he could not have any of his friends sleep over until he slept in there. Guess it worked. He woke up this morning and wondered if his friend could sleep over tonight. Smart kid!!

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