Saturday, May 31, 2008

Life lesson #2

Ok. It is time yet again for another life lesson. So here goes. Life lesson #2: If you are going to be out in the sun, always put on sunscreen. You know, I have a really hard time tanning. I can lay in a tanning bed for hours on end and get hardly any color. But when I am not trying to get a tan, I always end up burning and at the most inopportune time. Yesterday we had a party for my students that are moving on to new programs in the fall and are participating in Graduation on Sunday. after we ate we went outside since it was such a beautiful day. It was on the windy side but nice none the less. As my students rollicked in the sun and played my assistants and I sat in beach chairs and lounged. We were out maybe an hour give or take. I could tell I had some slight color over top the faded tan I had gotten while in florida earlier in the year. It would be much later in the evening when Iwould discover just how much sun I got. I have the funkiest "farmer's burn" on record. My face is red, my chest and neck are red but it is in the shape of my shirt front. Both of my arms are red on the inside of my elbows up to my shoulders part way. To top it off, the shirt I am wearing for graduation is shaped differently in the front and it shows more skin than the other shirt I had on. at least my black gown will cover it and you shouldn't be able to tell. Can we say liquid coverup makeup? Needless to say I got a lecture from my sister. She's such a mom.

1 comment:

Becky said...

You know better!! Remember that burn in SC?? Even when we were 17 you burnt easily.