Monday, June 2, 2008


So my supervisor was in today. Generally, at this point in the school year I know who is moving up to my room from the younger class. My supervisor's response to my questioning about my class list was met with an odd answer. There had been talk that my room was to become a strictly 12+ classroom. That would mean that students entering my room would already have met all of their academic requirements and didn't qualify for our community based transition program. Instead of earning credits the students would be earning certifications in certain areas. We are in the process of making a list and discussing it with various agencies that could help. Next year would be a pilot year. When we asked Janet about whom was moving over from Tom's room she said that she wanted to sit down with the both of us at opening meeting in August to create our class lists. This way we would know who all had moved into the district. My spidey senses are telling me something is up. You don't wait untill two weeks before school starts to inform a parent of a student with a disability that after so many years in one room they are going to be moved. You need to give them time to transition/accept the change. In the past I start working on preparing lessons and schedules before opening meeting even takes place. If I am to implement this new program I need a little more time than what it seems I am going to get. All I know is they can't place anyone younger than 16 in my room. My oldest student will be 21 by the end of the year and we will get a big ding by the state if we break the 60 month rule. I also know that they will not transfer my 20 year old to the other classroom because his parents specifically asked for me to be his teacher when they decided to place him in our program. Loose ends, I hate loose ends.

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