Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Life lesson #3

As I was perusing the news headlines on line I fell upon the most interesting article that I felt would make a good life lesson. So here goes. Life lesson #3: When mooning someone be careful how close you get to glass. It seems that some young men in the Netherlands decided it might be fun to run down the street in town with their pants down mooning everyone. One man thought it would be even better if he stopped and gave the patrons of a local restaurant a good show. Unfortunately for him, the window shattered as he pressed his exposed bum to it. Let's just say he won't be sitting down for awhile. Fortunately for them all that is required is that they pay for the damage to the window. Shouldn't the window be held liable for the medical costs to the man's backside? Let's be fair now, huh!? Moral of the story: If you're going to moon a restaurant, go inside the building. Glass and ass don't mix.