Tuesday, May 13, 2008

School's out.....

It's that time of year again. The time that we educators look most forward to. School's almost out for the year. In some ways it is hard to believe that the end of May is quickly approaching and with it Graduation. End of the year preparations are under way. You know it is fast approaching when you get the end of the year checkout packet. Students as well as teachers can hardly wait for that last bell to ring to signal the start of summer. I am one that is anxiously awaiting it, however, it will be a sad moment for me also. Four of my students will be spreading their proverbial wings and venturing into a new phase of their lives. It is somehow gratifying to know that I played a role in getting them to where they are today. They are wonderful students and I wish them nothing but the best in the future. For the few that will remain with me another year, I wish them a well deserved vacation and look forward to the many adventures we will embark on in the fall. I am strongly hoping that the change to the curriculum of my classroom goes through. It would be an opportunity for me to develop my own program and pilot it. Who knows what the fall will bring. All I know is that like the famed Alice Cooper song, "School's out for summer!"

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