Sunday, May 11, 2008

What do you do for fun on Saturday night?

As I grow older I realize that there is nothing my sister and I won't do on the spur of the moment. Saturday dawned a beautiful day in Northwest Ohio. Laura had to cover a shift were she works. Once she was done we were going to get out and have fun. Our parents brought over some more boxes of my sister's. We soon discovered a cache of cd's from our early days of adulthood. And yes, a few had been confiscated from dipshit #1 when we packed her up and moved her out of the place they had shared. So, off we went. No specific destination in mind. We had a few things we needed to get so soon the car was heading towards the lake. We made a stop to get some supplies to make a bouquet to put on our Aunt Rose's grave for Mother's Day. By this time we were hungry so we made a beeline for a restaurant and fueled up. Next stop the cemetary. As we are heading into the town we are from my sister looks at me and says with a wicked look in her eye, "Want to take a detour?" Why not. So the next thing I know we are heading over to where she had lived with dipshit #2. I'll admit, I was a little nervous. I think she was hoping to catch him with his latest flavor of the month. As we come around the curve we discover that he is not home. Laura decides she is going to pull in. She spies her grill that my dad gave her sitting by the front steps. She decides she is going to hop out and get it. I get out with her and head around back to see if I can find the 2x4's that my dad wanted back. No such luck. Laura put the grill in her trunk and we headed out. As we are heading to the cemetary, Laura informs me that she dumped the coals and ashes in the front yard. It is then decided that she should have taken the trash can also to give to our friend Becky. She figures she paid for it all, she might as well have it. I mean technically they are still married. It is a marital asset. I don't know. This item might have to go in front of the judge. Can you get visitation for a trash can? How about a plasma tv? She paid for that also. After we left the cemetary we stopped at our other aunt's house for a few minutes. We then headed back towards her place with a stop to get a few necessities for the evening. Once back to her apartment it was time to unwind, have a few margaritas,make some jiffy pop, and watch the food network. Nothing like a Saturday night with my sister, dipshit free.