Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Can we say obsessed??

OK. I have a confession to make. I am currently obsessed with wanting to see the movie "Mama Mia". It comes out on friday and I am going with my friend Kris to see it that night. I can not wait. I recently purchased the cd soundtrack and have listened to it just about every day. When and how did this obsession begin? I can thank my friend Pat for this. Pat is a previous co-worker of mine from the assisted living I used to work at. She loves New York. Through some discussion of the topic, I acknowledged that I had always wanted to see NYC. Thus the idea was hatched that we would plan a trip sometime. Well, that time finally arrived. We both worked alot of extra hours and contacted a travel agent. This past March over my Spring Break from School, we went. It was amazing. I have never experienced anything like it before. We stayed right in Time Square. We were on the 30th floor of a very elegant hotel and the view was trully breathtaking. Every time I know see Nyc on tv I look very close to see if I recognize anything. While there, Pat had said that she had wanted to see Mama Mia. I was familiar with some of Abba's music and I knew my brother had seen it and loved it. So I splurged and got tickets for us. We were scheduled to see it our last night in town. What a way to end the trip. It was the best broadway show I had ever seen. Well, it's the only broadway show I have seen but none the less it was awesome. Imagine my surprise when I found out it was being made into a movie. I know that I could be getting my hopes up and be in for a bitter disappointment but, from the previews I don't think so. The scenery where they shot the film is very similar to the stage set itself. I can't get over it. And the actors they have chosen for the various roles fit perfectly. Well, you can be assured that I will give a full review after the movie on Friday.


Green Moss & Sunny said...

Kimee, there is the same frenzy in my house. my daughter has season passes to the broadway series in spokane every year. We use it to keep her active and out of the house occasionally. Last year we got to see mama mia. Both my kids loved it, as did I. Genny has already bought the cd, too. She is asking me every day about when it will come to our small theater. She has tried to catch every interview of cast on tv. And all this from an adult who can't read.
That you went to actual broadway puts you in a whole other league!


kimee said...

That is awesome that she loves theater. I know that the students I work with love music. And the majority of them also can not read. My assistant and I just can't get over that they can remember lyrics to their favorite songs but have difficulty with word recognition. It just goes to show you how amazing the brain is. We have often thought of putting our material we want them to learn to music.