Monday, July 21, 2008

here goes nothing

My loving sister calls me bright and early this morning on her way to work. It was ok though. I was up. Even with the Ambien I am still waking up every few hours. So, sister has decided she wants to get the hell out of dodge for a few days this weekend. "You can do the research on the computer. I was thinking Mackinaw Island or something like that." Well, Mackinaw would be nice but expensive. I chimed in with what about Sault Ste. Marie. She loved the idea. So I got busy and started looking for hotels in our price range and with features we wanted. Namely a pool, continental breakfast and a room with fridge and microwave. Holiday Inn Express is where we will be staying for 3 nights. As I was making the plans I got a bright idea. Why not kidnap one of my BFF's kids as a companion for my nephew. Ran the idea by my sister and she loved it. Made a call to the BFF and she said that was fine. I then talked to said child and he was up for it. Especially when I said we could go bug hunting. So I will be going for my pre-op testing Wednesday morning and then will head for North western Ohio. I will pick my nephew up from his Dad's on Thursday, get Andy and head to Toledo to meet my sister at work. She gets off around 2:30pm. From there we are going to head to Michigan. I am looking forward to it. I have very wonderful memories of family vacations in that area. Most recent being with just myself and my parents 4 years ago. Laura and I have always loved the area and we are both looking forward to introducing it to the boys. I will take my computer to keep a travel log but don't know if I will be accessing the internet or not. Will publish my stories when we return.

1 comment:

Becky said...

The hotel might have free internet, a lot do these days.