Thursday, July 31, 2008

the judicial system sucks!!!

I guess I should hold off saying that until my sister hears back from her attorney. The last 2 weeks have been pretty rough for her. Her ex has visitation with my nephew every Wednesday and every other weekend. The last 2 Wednesdays he has called her up and just laid into her verbally. Very belligerent and threatening. This is why she divorced him in the first place. I wanted her to file a report last week with the police but we didn't have any solid proof of what occurred. Well, last night he made a huge mistake. He called my sister to bitch her out for something stupid. The daycare had an outing and she didn't pack a lunch. They were going putt-putting and to an ice cream stand that also sold sandwhiches. We both assumed they were eating there. The teacher never called us. She decided to hang up on him because of the language he was using. He calls back and she opts not to answer. The moron left a voice mail and the police department has an audio copy of it. Her attorney is in the process of contacting the mediator they used to see about revoking visitation for the time being. One because his episodes are escalating. Two, he bounces from his brother's house to his girlfriend's house. Neither of which we have an address for. He is so unstable. At this time he is not fit to parent my nephew. The poor thing told me he heard everything Brian said to Laura on the phone last week and that the girlfriend stood there laughing. Brian also had the nerve to refer to his son as a bastard. That one I heard because Laura had put it on speaker phone. For those of you reading this I would like your opinion. Brian states that my sister is a bad mother and is going to loose him because a: she still wipes his bottom after going to the bathroom (checking to make sure he got himself clean) and b: she doesn't let him take his own bath. Now in my opinion I side with my sister. Hello, he's 5.
My family is down because we know we are following procedure but it probably isn't going to do any good. Brian will find some way to weasel out of this just like always. My sister also found out from a common acquaintance that he has been MIA from work for like 6 weeks. My heart is just breaking for my sister and her son. She said the poor thing has barely said two words to her since getting home. He has been in his room watching his shows on Noggin. Unfortunately his therapist is on vacation untill the end of next week.

1 comment:

Lisa G said...

what an ass. No she isn't a bad parent. Robert only recently started taking his own bath and I still help with washing his hair. He's screwing himself over. Suggest getting a recorder for any phone calls she does answer. A friend of mine had to do that.