Thursday, August 7, 2008

at long last....

I can feel my fingertips again. Doctor said surgery went well. I have the thick bandages off from around my hand and elbow. I am able to do some things with my right hand. Gingerly wrote some info down. Can't quite use it to bring a spoon or fork to my mouth. However used a knife to butter an englih muffin this morning. As long as I do not move my thumb out too far I am ok. I have a small incision covered with steri stripsin the middle of my palm towrds the wrist. My incision at my elbow is much longer than I expected. Most of my pain is from that. I just can't tell you how wonderful it feels to actually have feeling back in my fingers. Each day I get a little bit more range of motion back. I think the only problem I had was in recovery. I don't remember much but I guess upon coming to and the breathing tube being removed I had an asthma attack and they had to give me a breathing treatment. I do remember coughing and them telling me to breathe in deep from a mask. It didn't seem like I was in the recovery area very long before they were moving me to a room where my parents could come in and stay with me. I am glad I had the surgery and can't wait to get my other arm done. Thanks to all of my friends for the well wishes.


Kris said...

Yay! I'm glad it went well for you.

Green Moss & Sunny said...

Glad to see you are back and doing well!
