Thursday, July 17, 2008

Well thought out plan

File this under stupid criminals. According to a Fort Worth newspaper article, a pizza clerk was surprised to discover that the robber that had been tackled and defrocked of disguise during a holdup was her own father. Not only that but her mother and husband were in the getaway vehicle parked outside. Police decided not to charge her with any role in the crime. It was obvious from the video surveilance that she was not involved and had no idea who the robber was at first. When questioned however, she did admit that she was aware that they were planning a hold up. She thought they were going to rob a convienence store. Now who is dumber? The girl for not trying to talk them out of their plan, or the family for actually thinking they could rob an establishment where a family member not only worked at but was on duty? It seems to me that society is just going down the tubes. Now I know our economy is not the greatest right now. What with rising gas prices and food costs. We all are feeling the crunch. But is it that bad that you have to rob a pizza place? I know on a friday night any given pizza place can really make the dough, no pun intended. I just wish I could have been there when the plan was hatched out. Which family member thought it was a good idea to rob the place in the first place? It goes to show you, the family that commits crime together, does time together.

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