Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It's over already?

Well, tomorrow is officially my last day of summer vacation. I report back to the building on friday. I am looking forward to the start of the new year. Getting up at the butt-crack of dawn, not. I can definitely say this goes down as one off my more unusual summers. I've had surgery, babysat for my nephew, took him on a trip to Michigan, and dealt with bank fraud. My sister had surgery on Monday and is recovering slowly. The incision is at the base of her spine in her lower back. She says that hurts more than the electrical impulses that are being sent to her bladder. She says she has a fluttering in her butt. I just have to laugh. The doctor is very optimistic that this is going to help correct her bladder issues. We went to Walmart yesterday and generally she has to stop and go at least once while we are in there. That is even with going before we leave the house. I am happy to report that she made it through the store without having to go. The med corp rep said that with her young age she should do well with it. We will know more in 2 weeks. If there is an improvement, the doctor will permanently implant the device into her. I am trying to decide what i should do tomorrow since it is my last day of vacation. Probably do laundry and housework. Maybe I'll treat myself to the movies.

1 comment:

Becky said...

what? you don't like waking up early?? lol.