Monday, October 13, 2008

And the stupid criminal award goes to....

the man in Florida that tried to buy a meal at McDonalds with pot. Now tell me, how dumb is that? Do you have the munchies because you been partaking of said pot? Are you that wasted that you don't realize what you are using as monetary currency? Did you think the young kid taking your order might be interested in it? I just don't get it. At the end of the article it states that they weren't sure if he tried paying then with money or what he was trying to order. Big deal. He tried paying with illegal drugs. You've got to have a very low IQ to try to pull something like that off. Really now. And I work day after day to teach my students the proper way to pay for things. Even they know that money is the only thing that will get you anything. We don't use the barter system anymore. I'm not going to give you some beads in trade for a loaf of bread. Although with the state of our current economy we may be going back to that system.

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