Friday, October 17, 2008

a blog about nothing in particular

I'm thinking fall may have finally arrived. I got ready for work yesterday and headed out the door at my usual time of 6:45 am. Not to bad out. Around 11:00 I went out to get lunch for me and the ladies and was I surprised how chilly it had gotten. After that I could not get warm no matter what I did. Of course I later discovered that I was running a fever. I had to go for pre-op testing on Monday and had to do the obligstory peeing in the cup. Was I surprised to learn on Wednesday that I had a UTI. Great. Surgery is in a week and I have this to deal with. Then the symptoms really started to hit me. Luckily the doctor ordered an antibiotic and it should be gone by Monday. In fact I am feeling much better today. I am excitedly awaiting the arrival of my bubby and sister. They are coming down to spend the weekend with me. I haven't seen Hunter in about a month. Next Friday I am having the second round of surgery. The doctor will be releasing the nerves in my left arm this time. I cannot get over how well the right arm is healing. It is just about back to normal. The really good thing is how well the scar on my palm is fading. In another few weeks you will probably hardly be able to see it. I am happy to report that my dad is on the way to recovery also. He has battled with a hernia for many years and we finally wore down his resolve and forced him to see a doctor about it. He had surgury on September 29th. The doctor repaired a very large area. He thought there were 3 hernias. It turned out to be about 8. Luckily there was no damage to internal organs and his bleeding was kept to a minimum. He is anxiously awaiting November's arrival. And with that their trip to Florida for the winter. His sister and her husband are coming down for a week not too long after they get there. I am hoping to go down over my Christmas break. Providing I can find decent airfare. Well, I should probably finish cleaning up the kitchen. Laura will be here in a little while.


Green Moss & Sunny said...

glad to see you back at blogging!


Becky said...

I hope the surgery went well!!

Kris said...

How's the arm feeling?