Thursday, October 30, 2008

life these days...

just seems to roll along. I am currently recuperating from my second surgery. Incisions are about the same size but thats where the similarities stop. I am having alot of swelling in my hand this time. Previously swelling was contained to my lower palm along the incision. This time my whole hand is swollen. This is making for a lot of stiffness in my fingers and tingling in my hand. The sterri strips came off before they should have so I ended up getting some at the store to put on it. It isn't closed up at all and is seeping. I called the doctor's office yesterday but haven't heard back. I don't see him until next Wednesday. Even though I am right handed I never realized how much I actually do do with my left. I guess I ama a little down in the dumps because I expected it to be similar to the first surgery. My neck is also bothering me greatly. I don't know if I slept wrong the other night or what but I am unable to turn my head in either direction very far. Driving is very tricky right now. What with the neck and hand, I hate making left turns. I went back to work yesterday. I originally was only going to take Monday off but when the alarm went off tuesday I just needed one more day. I forced myself yesterday because the ladies had the substitute teacher from hell. We used to be able to block people on the sub list but we can't anymore. Guess that means no more sick days for me. I got a new student last week. Very nice young man. He has severe CP and is in a wheel chair. We felt a sense of success yesterday when he was able to transfer with assistance from his wheelchair to the passenger seat of our van. He is such a social young man. He is getting along with the other kids so well. An end of an era is coming for me. I am in the process of transitioning the last of my original students from my first year at Canal Winchester into the sheltered work program through the county board of mental retardation. Vince and I both came to the high school in the fall of 2003. In June he will officially graduate after 6 years with me. He is going to be going to the workshop 2 days a week starting next week. By the end of the school year he will be increased to 4 days a week. I can't fathom what it is going to be like with out him. He is always at school. In the past 5 years he has probably been absent a total of 10 days if that. He is excited to start working but I don't think he understands he will eventually be leaving us. I also started a new after school job today. I am watching a 12 year old young lady with Autism from the middle school until 6:30 in the evening when her mom gets off work. She is a nice young lady. This will be good because she will eventually come to my classroom. It's the perfect second job.

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