Sunday, November 2, 2008

A fall Sunday

Time changed last night. We fell back an hour. I like the extra hour of sleep but I absolutely hate what it means. It means that winter is on the way and with that nightfall arriving between 5-5:30 in the evening. I hate that. I am a sunshine girl. But, there really isn't much I can do about it. Life goes on.
Had a very enjoyable day today. Met my sister and nephew half way and we had lunch and went shopping. Hunter is growing up so fast. School is going well. He got his first grade card on friday and it was an improvement from the mid-term. This time he only had one N. Of course it was for self-control. But he is learning how to behave and both the teacher and principal feel that he does not need meds at this time to control that issue. What a relief. He can say the Lord's Prayer, the Hail Mary, and the Pledge of Allegiance. He has difficulty with understanding the "th" blend. He'll get it.
My friends are having their annual Christmas Cookie Exchange party the last weekend of the month. I just RSVPed that I would be there. Since I have recently had my other hand operated on I am going to make something easy that Hunter can help me with. I am going to make rice crispy treats and press them into molds and make cookie suckers. One of the guests is on a casein-glueten free diet so I did some research and found that rice is ok. The only thing I need to do differently is get some no-milk margarine. According to my research Fleischman's makes some. All I need to do is remember to get it when the time comes. I will just make them all that way. I can't wait to see how they turn out. I might have to make a practice batch here at home and take them to school. I think that could be something Melanie helps me with one afternoon after school.

1 comment:

Becky said...

I can't wait to see you at the party!
Don't forget to vote today!