Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Here is the latest dilema we are dealing with in my classroom. I recently got a new student. I will call him "RJ" to protect him. He is 18 years old is is a nice young man. He is in a wheelchair due to crippling Cerebral Palsy. He needs assistance to transfer from his chair to the toilet. Two of us have to accompany him since we are all female. I feel bad for my assistants because they are left with all of the bathroom duties since I am not able to lift yet. Whatever task you give him he gives 110%. He is sweet and the other kids love him. He fits in so well. So what is the dilema you ask? He has lived most of his life with his dad and when he turned 18 he was given the choice of whom he wanted to live with. He chose Mom. My transition coordinator told me on Monday that his Mom had called her and told her she couldn't take care of him anymore. What mother would do that? My heart just goes out to him. In the three weeks he has been with us you definitely tell something is up. On Mondays when we ask what he did over the weekend his answer is usually nothing. Did you go anywhere with Mom? No. He got off the bus this morning and he just looked so sad. I honestly don't know what is going to happen to him. He loves being here. You can tell because his mood changes once he is in the room. It makes me want to cry.

1 comment:

Becky said...

that sucks. Poor kid :(