Sunday, November 23, 2008

in a funk

I find that I am in a funk today. I know there are things I need to do, like laundry and cleaning the apartment, but I can't seem to motivate myself. When my parents called to remind me of a few things to bring with me when I go up to their place for thanksgiving, my Mom suspected something but I played it off with not feeling to hot, which I don't. As usual, my sinuses are bothering me. But that is not all. I am trully blue. I know the reason and there isn't much I can do about it. I don't want to talk to my family because it will just upset them especially if they didn't remember what today is. I know my sister does and I don't want to upset her. It's just that time of year. Today would have been my Aunt Rose's 52nd birthday. Thanksgiving, her favorite holiday, is just a few days away. And to top it off we are coming up on the 1st anniversary of her death on December 10th. I have tried not to think about it and when I am busy I can keep the thoughts at bay. But today is different. I didn't have any plans so I have kept to my apartment. Left alone with my thoughts. My friends know that can be a dangerous thing. I just miss her so much. She was more than an aunt to my sister and I. She was our confidant. We went to her when we couldn't go to Mom. We told her things that we would never tell our parents. And we always knew she wouldn't say anything. It's hard to not pick up the phone and call her with some little tidbit of info.


Kris said...


I'll tell you the same thing you told me in my blog a couple posts ago... you can always give me a ring if you need to talk, or to just get out of the house. :-)

Green Moss & Sunny said...

Kim, So sorry to hear of your story.Those are the anniversaries we don't want to remember. My husband's grandma died on his birthday. We have to work hard to forget every year. remember the wonderful part of having had her in your life.
