Friday, December 12, 2008

Help needed

To all of my friends out there, I have been asked by my sister to blog for assistance. She called me this morning with and said one simple thing. "I need to raise money." Here is the situation, and you may need a kleenex because I burst into tears the minute she told me. My 5 year old nephew got in the car yesterday after school and told his her he had heard his dad yelling at her on the phone the night before and he was sorry about that. He then went on to say "Please don't duct-tape me like my daddy did." Now I know 5 year olds can make things up but I do not know too many 5 year olds that know the term duct tape. He went on to describe how the man taped his wrists together and then taped his arms to the side of him at his waist because he did not know three of his spelling words. He told him he was going to stand in the kitchen like that until he could spell the words right. Needless to say she went straight to the police department and filed a report with the police and then went to the town her ex-husband lives in and filed a report. While there she learned that he has had an altercation with said police department in which they either had to or almost had to pull their weapon on him. Laura contacted her attorney. The first officer has contacted the ex in regard to the harrassing phone calls and complaint filed against him. Our attornye is waiting to hear back from the officer. They are supposed to be contacting childrens services. Perry said the same thing I did. How does a 5 year old know that word. So if anyone has any ideas on how to raise money quickly for a legal fund, we would certainly appreciate it. I am already working 3 jobs to help support her since the, pardon my language, asshole doesn't. Please say a prayer that we can work some magic and have all parental rights taken away and come up with a way to pay for the court costs and attorney fees. Thanks!!

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