Wednesday, December 10, 2008

In Memory of a lost loved one

I would like to pay tribute to a loved one of my family. Hard to believe it is possible but it has been a year since my Aunt Rose Marie passed away. I had talked about it with my coworker Dona yesterday and her suggestion was to remember that she now is in a better place without pain. She enjoyed spending as much time as possible with her family and would have loved to be with us longer but her body just couldn't do it. Considering she came into this world prematurely, it is not surprising that she would leave it early also. The holidays were her favorite time of year. To her it wasn't about the presents, it was getting together with everyone and having a good time together. There were times when she could drive you bonkers but that was just part of her personality. The more she pestered about something meant the more she cared.
So, my friends, as you read this I ask you to pick up a glass of your favorite beverage and join me in a toast to my aunt, Rose Marie Emerson Hill (November 23, 1956-December 10, 2007), the nosiest angel in heaven. I know you are looking down and watching over us as you did on earth. Loving and missing you today and everyday.

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