Monday, January 19, 2009

The Journey has begun

As you can tell as you read my posts alot of them have dealt with issues I have reagarding my health. If I haven't mentioned it before I am overweight and I know that plays a big part in my problems. I have been overweight since jr. high. I tried to lose weight in high school but found it very difficult. Factor in peer pressure and how others treat you and the constant nagging of my mother I basically would give up. I would lose some and then gain it back. I believe we call that yo-yoing. During college I managed to lose a little and keep my weight pretty consistent. I am one that can say I didn't gain the freshman 15. Through talking things out with one of my friends I have begun to come to terms with things. I want acceptance desperately but often turn to food when my emotions are out of control. This same friend was in about the same situation as I am and was. She took things into her own hands and lost the weight and has managed to maintain a healthy weight and I am so proud of her. It is her that I look to for encouragement. Now that I have some of my health issues under control it is time to start working on a new me. Only my sister, parentsand assistants at work know what I am about to say. I didn't want my friends to know until I had seen some results. Around the 1 year anniversary of my Aunt's death I took the big step and joined weight watchers. My 2 friends have done it with wonderful results. I am not going to meetings at this time because I am 1) too busy to get time in for a meeting and 2) too embaressed. I don't want anyone but my doctor and I knowing my weight. She is aware of what I am doing and is offering me safe exercises that I can do to reduce stress on my joints since I am still experiencing so much pain. I keep track of my points on line, I am reading food labels, and learning to make more healthy choices. I was very scared when I went to Florida. I knew I would be eating out with my parents and hadn't done much of that at that point. I managed to lose while there. My sister has been my biggest supporter by far. And I am proud to say that as of today after being on the program for a little over a month I have lost 14.6 pounds. I am happy with the number. I do not want to loose too much too fast because I am afraid I will put it right back on. I have a long road ahead of me but am taking it one day at a time. I have an ultimate goal of what I want to lose but am making short term goals along the way. Currently I want to lose 20%. I hope to be there around March/April. I thought I was about to have a setback last week with all the stress I was under from work. I had to stop focusing on it because it was driving me crazy. In fact I hadn't weighed in since January 9 because I didn't want to see the number. I forced myself today and was equally surprised. I am not on a diet. I am making a life style change and I can do it. I'll keep you posted along the way.


Kris said...

It's pretty empowering to take control over your life, isn't it? :-)

Always remember that this is your own journey, not to be compared to anyone else's.

Good luck!!!

kimee said...

I definitely know it is my own journey. I am doing this for me and my results are going to be diferent but it is nice knowing I have friends that have traveled the same path. I have always been one to enjoy a spur of the moment roadtrip and I look forward to seeing where this one will take me.

Becky said...

You can do it! I hope that you continue to do well. And if you need anything, lmk.

Anonymous said...

You go Kimmee. We love you any way you want to be.

Anonymous said...

That last comment was from Mom Marti