Friday, January 16, 2009

Remembering when.....

The year was 1989. I was embarking on what I thought at the time was the scariest thing in my life. I was entering high school. I had always been a shy introverted kid. Those who know me now can't fathom it. But needless to say I was scared spitless. I was going to the Catholic high school in the neighboring town. No one from my grade school class would be there. I could start over and no one would know about the hell I had been through in Jr High. I remember standing in the hall in front of the gym on Orientation day. No one said hi, they were all in their groups. My guidance counselor came up to me and asked how I was doing. She offered to introduce me to some kids and at that moment two girls walked out of the gym. You could tell they already knew each other by the way they interacted with each other. Mrs. Oxley pulled the two girls over and introduced them to me. She explained that I came from the neighboring town, didn't know anyone, and if they minded hanging out with me. God bless that woman. Today I count myself lucky that Mrs. Oxley intervened. One of the girls she introduced me to has remained my best friend to this day. I count myself lucky to have had such a lasting friendship that has survived the test of time. We may not get a chance to talk every day, but when we do get a chance we make the most of it. When I am down in the dumps about things I stop and think about what Becky has had to sacrifice lately. She is married to a wonderful man who has answered the call of duty for the United States not once but twice. With his deployment oversees, she has stayed the rock of the family raising their 4 children. Today is her birthday and I wanted her to know what her friendship has meant to me over the years. Becky, you have always supported me in whatever decisions I have made. You have listened to me bitch about my job(present and past). You have offered suggestions and a shoulder when I needed one. I hope I have been able to do the same for you. I can never tell you how much it meant to me when you took my sister and her son into your home in her time of need. Enjoy today and may you have many more happy birthdays to come. But remember, you'll always be older than me. Ha!Ha!


Kris said...

For being such a pesky little sister, she didn't turn out too bad. ;-)

Green Moss & Sunny said...

smile ;-)


Becky said...

Thanks girlie!
Next time you are up we can celebrate.