Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Paging Dr. Freud

I might have minored in Psychology in college but Sigmund Freud I am not. I can honestly tell you my staff and I are not equipped to deal with the mental issues my new student has. Once she gets past her hang-ups which takes an hour or two, she is an intelligent and delightful young lady. Very polite also. Yesterday wasn't too terribly bad. We had a 2-hr delay for weather so that helped her. She was late this morning due to a psych appointment and all hell broke loose the minute she got there. Glenna gave her the news-2-you article we had been working on and sat down with her to read it. She proceeded to burst into tears. We had to take her out of the room because she was scaring the others. She was asking us for help because she wanted to hurt herself. We walked for a little bit and I sat her down on a window ledge and we talked. I asked her what had happened that she wanted to hurt herself. She informed us that she had been sexually assaulted which I suspected. She then proceded to bury her face in my shoulder and say that she wished she would just die. Glenna and I were just looking at each other dumbfounded. We tried to approach it as that was something that had happened in the past and we were sorry it had. But this was the present and we were not going to let anything happen to her. I walked her back to the room and we got her settled down and by lunch she had caught up on her work. The afternoon went along pretty smoothly except for the 1/2 hour she spent in the bathroom. We are catching on to her avoidance tactics. But the shocker came at the end of the day when Glenna was walking her out to her cab. They were having a conversation when out of the blue she asked if Glenna heard voices in her head. Glenna said no, what do the voices tell you to do. She responded that they told her to hurt herself. Glenna then asked if the voices were male or female and she said both. Scary. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. They finally found someone to help us out and she starts tomorrow. It is for a week and a half and then we will determine if it is still necessary. Hell yes it's going to be necessary. I am not going to break this girl of this cycle in 8 school days. If 2 people have to be with her that leaves 1 adult in the room with the 6 remaining students. 3 of them are one-on-one assistance. That is not fair to the kids or my staff. From the stories I am hearing this has been going on for a long time with this young lady. She is known throughout our program but yet Janet couldn't give me any info. Couldn't or wouldn't? All I can say is that we three are all on the same page and we are documenting out the ying yang. I know how to cover my ass. Hopefully this new woman will fit in and climb on board with what we are doing. On a sad but happy note, tomorrow is Kyle's last day with me. He will be transitioning to our community based training program at Ohio State on thursday. I am happy for him but he is such a great young man and he will be missed.

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