Friday, January 9, 2009


Well I certainly have been one busy beaver today. I spent most of the day preparing for the arrival of my new student on Monday. First thing this morning I went down to the Principal's office and talked with him and the assistant principals. I informed them of what was coming our way on Monday. All jaws dropped to the ground. The principal has offered support and stated that he also felt that 2 adults should be with her at all times. I then emailed my supervisor and the head of our department at the county office. I let them know in no uncertain terms that I had concerns and felt that another adult was needed for my room. I also stated that I have learned from past experiences that I can not rely on Tom and his staff ( the other unit in the building) to help us out. I also do not want Judy coming into contact with her at all. As of now I am awaiting confirmation from the head to approve but the district she is coming from has agreed to pick up the tab for the aide. I was even asked by my supervisor if there was anyone in particular that I had in mind to fill the position. For once someone listened to my concerns. We have rearranged the room to be conducive to her needs. The boys will all be seated at a table away from her. She actually has her own work area butted up against the two tables the other students work at. I have made a picture schedule to tape to her work area along with a set of rules for her. My assistants and I made sure that they were all positively written. I then made observation sheets for us to use to collect data throughout the day. One will document her behavior and overall mood/attitude/appearance by the hour during the school day. The second is to document her trips to the bathroom. We will log her time out of the room as well as her return. We will also chart any items found on her when searched. Two staff members will escort her down to the bathroom and accompany her in. The final data sheet will document what she has in her possession when she enters and leaves the building each day. We will also document the number of pens and pencils etc. she has at her desk during the day. Before she leaves for the day she has to turn in all of those materials to one of us and it will be documented. Every morning she will have to ask for her materials. She will be allowed to journal for 5-10 minutes first thing every morning about her feelings. We are going to explain her rules to her and let her know that this is a start of a clean slate for her. Show us that you can follow the rules and handle your emotions and your privileges will increase. I am dealing with things better today because I have a plan of action. I informed my supervisor of what we had done today to prepare and she was impressed and felt we had everything under control. I truly do not know if I could have gotten everything prepared if it hadn't been for Glenna and Dona. I don't know what I would do without the two of them. I only hope that the next adult to join us is just as good a fit. Oh, and to complicate matters I am getting a male student teacher in 2 weeks from Ohio Dominican University. According to his professor, I think he has to do something on behavior. Well, here you go Patrick. Have I got the student for you. Might as well get your feet wet now.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Hon, your job would drive me nuts. I'm glad you and your team got things in place and I know you'll do great. Just remember to breathe in, and out slowly a few times each day before the students arrive.