Thursday, February 26, 2009

The road less traveled

One of my favorite poems is "The road less traveled". What I remember is "Two roads diverged in a wood. And I, I took the one less traveled by." This week I am finding myself at a major crossroad in my life. I received a phone call from my supervisor Monday afternoon to be told that the district school board was having a meeting that night to discuss whether or not they were going to continue to contract with my agency for our services. One of my co-workers went to the meeting to here what was going to happen and the board ended up going into closed session. Everyone is up in arms about the status of our jobs. Janet said that if the district did take the classes back we had the option of applying with the district or staying with the ESC. Last year at this time I would have said I would stay with the district but now I am not so sure. This considering that they have 30 displaced teachers due to budget cuts and the state is knocking at the door to take over. Call me stupid but now is not the time to become an employee of their district. That and I am pretty sure they are not going to pay me anywhere near what I am making now. The county has to provide me with a position but who knows where that would be. Plus I highly doubt they would keep my team together which sucks big time now that I finally have a great one. So, after much soul searching and discussion with my sister I have made a decision. After almost 6 years with the Educational Service Center of Central Ohio and living in wonderful central Ohio, should Canal Winchester Local Schools recapture their county units, I will be returning to Northwest Ohio. What will I do for a job? Who knows. At this point all I care is that I have insurance and can afford to split rent, utilities, and essentials with my sister. I'd even like to go back to school. Do I care if I teach? At this point, not really. I think I am suffering a little from burnout. I am one that firmly believes that things happen for a reason. I have been debating about returning to my home town for ahile now and maybe this is a sign. For now, all I can do is watch and wait. And boy do I hate waiting.


Anonymous said...

Kimmee, look around up here and search on the News messenger wb site. There was a very recent story about a start up school for students with autism here. And welcome home!

Becky said...

Good luck with everything. Limbo sucks. But it will be nice to have you back around up here :)

Green Moss & Sunny said...

Kimmee, best wishes on the struggle. my husband lost his job in the fall, but has a new one. I wish you the same success. special ed teachers are in high demand. Time to look beyond ohio?


Anonymous said...

Kimmee, today's News messenger has another article on the possible autism school and it MAY be your current employer as they reference Lancaster. Check it out.

Kris said...

I always hated the not-knowing the most. I hope your path becomes clear very soon. It's sad that we would probably see each other more if you move 2 hours away than we do now. If you are around and have a free evening in the next 2 weeks, call me and lets go out. Even weekdays are ok except Tues.