Monday, March 9, 2009


There are all different types of signs. Some signs are concrete. We can see them and they provide us with information. For example they tell us to stop, walk, where the next rest area is , etc. But there are also those signs that are more abstract and you have to really be watching and paying attention to see them. Some people don't believe in these types of signs. The type that help one deal with inner turmoil and difficult decisions that need to be made. Is this God assisting you in your time of need? Or when such signs are revealed is it just one big coincidence. I have been battling inner demons for a few weeks now. The prospect of losing a job that I trully love is difficult. I keep hearing "It will all work out. Everything happens for a reason." I can actually say I think I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. I have been doing things to keep myself busy lately because I am homesick and have been for awhile. If I am not here then I can't think about what I am missing up there. But all the little signs or coincidences if that is what you would prefer to call them are leading me to one conclusion. It is time for me to seriously return home. Thanks to the best second mom a gal could ask for I was put onto a job lead for a new school that may be opening in the fall there. What's the sign you ask? The school is based here in Columbus. So, I polished up my resume with some assistance from a good friend and sent it out today. There is still no word from the district or my employer as to what is in store for us but I am feeling more confident with my decision everyday. In the words of the great Ozzie (Osbourne not Nelson) "Momma I'm coming home".

1 comment:

Becky said...

Sweet! Hope you get it!