Friday, May 30, 2008


Here's a challenge to all of you out there. Should you choose to except this challenge lord only knows what the results will be. How dependent are you on your dominate hand? Are you ambidextrous? Can you do with one as well as you can with the other? Well, I am about to find out. In the immediate future I am going to be having surgery on my dominent hand and elbow. I am going to have to be very careful for 4-6 weeks with it. I for one can tell you that I am not as good with my left hand as I am with my right. Several of my friends/coworkers have asked me if I will be able to manage for that long without the use of my dominent hand, especially when it comes to the bathroom. My answer is that I don't have a choice. I need this surgery and I will do anything. So the challenge, to use only my left hand to do daily activities for 24 hours in preparation for my surgery. My guess is I am going to have to bind my right arm somehow. But I am going to do this. So, for you adventurous folks out there, I challenge you to do the same thing. I also think that this experience will help me grow as a teacher. It will give me some insight into what a few of my students deal with on a daily basis. One of my students doesn't have much use of her one hand due to cerebral palsy. She accomodates for herself on a daily basis. Can we handle it for 24 hours? The challenge is on. Can you handle it?


Kris said...

It was definitely interesting being unable to use just my thumb on my dominant hand (and yes, the bathroom was a challenge but not insurmountable). I can't imagine having my whole arm immobilized though. Let me know if you need a hand with anything once you have the surgery. :-)

Becky said...

My dominant was in a cast for about 10 days and yeah, not fun. Bathroom duty not fun. Moving out of dorm and driving dad's minivan full of stuff home not fun.
Wish we lived closer, you know I'd give you a hand.