Sunday, May 18, 2008

In honor of my parents

The year was 1968. A young man is attending Bowling Green State University. On day his friend comes to his room and asks for his assistance with some work on his car. He informs the young man that he would be heading home to do it. The young man says yes but on one condition, he has to find them a couple of girls to go out with on Saturday night. The friend agrees and they are off to his hometown. The young man helps his friend with the car and then proceeds to ask about the girl he would be going out with. The friend tells him he has just the girl for him. She lives across the street from him and they had gone to school together. She was studying to be a nurse. She had two sisters and her dad was a cop in town. The young man was fine with everything until the word cop came out of his friend's mouth. He stated that in no way was he going to go out with a cop's daughter. The friend did some fancy talking until the young man finally agreed. Across the street the young lady was home for the weekend from nurse's training. She didn't have any plans for the evening and when her childhood friend came over and asked if she wanted to double date she decided why not. The foursome headed out to the drive-in and the two soon began talking it up and getting to know each other. Years later the young lady would be asked what movie was showing and she would reply that she really wasn't sure. She hadn't been paying that much attention. The young lady and young man would soon start seeing each other whenever they could. By December of 1968 the couple would be engaged to be married. The two wed on November 22, 1969. They would have 3 children and 3 grandchildren. Little did they know on that infamous date in 1968 that 40 years later, on May 18, 2008, they would be not only celebrating the anniversary of their first date, but also the 5th birthday of their only grandson. So, as I end this blog, not only do I want to wish my nephew Hunter a happy 5th birthday, but I want to wish my parents a happy 40th anniversary. I love you both and am very glad that dad gave mom a chance even though Grandpa was a cop.


Becky said...

That's a cool bit of family history.

Kris said...

Happy anniversary to your parents!