Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fed up Part Deux

Well sports fans. No call back from Pam at Polaris Benefits. Called and talked to Melissa at Dr. walters office. My claim has been denied. The reason why we are unsure of. Dr. Walters is going to get on his high horse on my behalf. I have left a message with Dr. Mallick and the ball is in his court. I also called Pam again and surprise, surprise she was away from her desk. My friends would be very proud of me. I stated that I realize she is just the middle man but this whole situation sucks and she is going to be on the receiving end of my anger. I told her I wanted a call back since she hadn't returned my previous phone call. I wanted a detailed explanation as to why my claim was being denied. I also informed her that if it comes down to that I can't have surgery because of this and I end up with permanent nerve damage that I would be taking action and I think she knows what I am talking about. And in the tone of my sister I added, and you have a nice day also since that is what she says at the end of hers. Nice day my ass. Of all of the insurances in the state I have to have the one that won't cover sleep disorders. Oh, I also asked her how she would be reacting if the shoe were on the other foot. Of course she probably has the best plan around. My brain tells me that it is not her fault. But I need to blame somebody and she's the closest condescending person. I just want to reach through the phone and shake her silly. But if I do that then they won't cover my surgery because they will say there is nothinhg wrong with my hands. So here's the question. How bad does a person have to be before medical mutual of Ohio will cover something like this? And who are they to play God? Because that is what this is. They are making the decision that says whether one person can live to breathe another day or not. I realize that I am a little different. No comments Mark. I know I have always been different. But what I mean is I know that I don't stop breathing. But I am still having problems none the less. Who knows, maybe what happened to me the other night could have been avoided. I had my first full blown asthma attack while I was sleeping. Let me tell you people, 'twasn't fun. Maybe if I had the machine, it could have been avoided. One will never know though. That's what sucks.


Lisa G said...

Keep at them Kim. Most companies will deny for a while expecting the person to give up. Dn't give up and a lot of times they cave.

Kris said...

fight for it Kim!

Nick said...

That's great your doctor is going to bat for you. Why we need more than our doctors saying we need medical care, I do not understand. You may or may not like Michael Moore but he made that point so well, that it should be that simple. Profit-based health care makes no f'ing sense! Keep up the fight! Send the flying monkeys if you have to! :)