Thursday, June 5, 2008

Fed up

It must be said. I HATE MY INSURANCE COMPANY!!!!!!! So I finally get the results back from my sleep study. Yes, I have apnea but not the type where I stop breathing completely like most people. My problem is I take too shallow of a breath when I sleep which can be just as bad. I am not falling into REM sleep which explains the memory problems I have been experiencing. At least I am not going into early stages of Alzheimer's. HaHa! So I am informed by the doctor that of all of his 6000 patients with various insurances, my insurance is the only one that will not cover the cost of the CPAP machine. So his office is going to bat for me with the insurance company. He is personally writing them a nasty letter telling them that "if this patient dies in her sleep you will be held liable." That's just what a person with a general anxiety disorder wants to hear. Now I really don't want to go to sleep. I then spoke with Melissa, a very nice woman from the doctor's office that handles the insurance. She said she spoke with my insurance rep and submitted everything from my file showing that it is severe enough to warrent a machine. No machine, no surgery on my arm. Kim is very pissed at the moment. The insurence rep told Melissa it would take at least a week to review the information and make a determination. A week? I don't have a week. I am on a first name basis with this woman. Pam and I have gone a round or two in regards to them paying my claims. I threatened her with a lawyer once, I ain't afraid to do it again. So, I left Pam a very nice voice mail, cause you can never get her on the phone when you call the 800 number. I wonder how she would feel if the shoe were on the other foot. So, if I can't have the surgery to correct the nerve problem and I end up with permanent nerve damage can I sue the insurance company?


Kris said...


Come work for OSU. :-) I have never had a problem with my insurance.

My dad has a CPAP now and he's much less tired during the day, rarely needs naps. I hope it helps you too.

Nick said...

Kimmy - sorry to hear about your crappy insurance company. :( That must be very scary worrying about going to sleep and I hope they get things approved soon.
