Saturday, June 7, 2008

Go Indians!

Our baseball team is in the state finals for the first time since 1947. Win or lose it doesn't matter. These young men should be very proud of their accomplishments. I had good intentions of going to the game this morning but sleep won out plus my allergies are really bad right now. But I am sending them good vibes. Graduation yesterday was nice. There is just something different about our county graduation ceremony and the regular high school graduation. These young men and women have overcome many obsticles to get to that point. It is a very special event for them. To me there is so much more meaning in it. I was upset to see that my student's feet have gotten worse since he hasn't been wearing his braces. His case worker says that he has an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon on Tuesday. I have a feeling he is going to have to have surgery again. He was completely walking on the side of his foot and ankle. His mother actually showed up. Do you think the woman could thank me for getting everything done that I did so that her son could graduate early and not face truancy issues with the state? No. She does skirted her way around me when I was talking to Brandon and basically ignored me. I shouldn't be surprised. Oh, well. It is my job. Had several people come up to me afterwards and tell how lovely they thought my speech was. Told you I was a good bullshitter.

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