Monday, June 30, 2008

life as a babysitter

Another week has passed. I turned another year older. And I continue to spend much quality time with my nephew. As is my luck, I ended up in an urgent care last week. The doctor order chest and sinus x-rays. Diagnosis- sinus infection again. Doc gave me a shot in the ass, which my nephew witnessed and told everyone about and a week's worth of antibiotics that give me serious stomach problems everytime I eat. My sister is working relentlessly covering shifts and I don't know how much more her body can take. She could hardly walk when she got home yesterday. I am waiting to hear back from my surgeon. The ball is in his court. As for now I just take it day by day.

1 comment:

Green Moss & Sunny said...

Aimee, I found your blog and read some of the entries. I am so sorry. I blame the current state of our medical affairs on the Republican masters of our universe. Sorry, I know we just met, but I had to get that off my chest. Wishing you all the best surgically.
