Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What's in a name?

It seems that there is a baby boom in the celebrity population these days. When it comes to naming your child, every parent has their own way of choosing. A few of my friends are expecting and are creating possible lists with their spouses. Both are thinking of incorporating family names. But seriously, what are these celebrities thinking when naming their children? Of course the obvious is Suri and Shiloh. Not to be forgotten Shiloh's siblings Maddox, Zahara, and Pax. Now understandably these last three children are from foreign countries. Here are a few more for you to ponder. Sunday Rose (daughter of Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban,born on a Monday by the way); Fushcia Catherine (daughter of Sting and his wife); and my favorite Miller Lyte (nephew of Matthew McConnehey who happened to name his new son Levi Alvers). I think you can figure out the Miller Lyte. It is the father's favorite beer. I am just wondering what it will be like for these kids growing up. Remember parents, the child has to live with it until they are 18 and then it costs a pretty penny to have your name changed. I know I have no room to talk. I haven't had children yet. But, I am in the schools day in and day out and know how kids can be. My suggestion. Stick with the classic first names and incorporate the odd into the middle. Who know's though. Maybe Miller Lyte will be president of the United States someday. Stranger things can happen.


Becky said...

Well I did have a dream/nightmare this weekend that I was pregnant with twin girls I was naming Bobbi Jo and Betty Lou. Listening to too much Toby Keith lately I think.

Green Moss & Sunny said...

I, too, am surprised by the names floating around. Apple (Paltrow), for one. I find in my business, teacher, even known names are being misspelled. I have to relearn them all the time! My favorite was Angle. You can guess how that was pronounced. We must being showing our age! (In my day...)
